Why wasn\’t Daniel part of the p…

Why wasn’t Daniel part of the prophets?

In the Hebrew Bible, his book is not included in the Prophets (the Hebrew Bible has three verses, the Torah, the Prophets and the Scriptures), probably because its content does not match the Prophets, however, in the Dead Sea The eight copies found in the scrolls and other stories in Greek text are…

What is the name of a Baptist pastor?

In most Baptist churches, the word [pastor] is one of two offices within the church, the deacon the other, and is considered synonymous with [elder] or [bishop] (although in Reformed Baptists, Elders is a separate office).

Who is God’s favorite prophet?

Indeed, Isaiah is the most quoted prophet in the New Testament by Paul, Peter, and John (in his Revelation). Jesus himself quoted Isaiah eight times.

Which prophet in the bible went to heaven alive?

The Bible teaches that Enoch and Elijah were presumed to enter heaven while still alive, without experiencing physical death.

What is Jesus’ real name?

Jesus’ name in Hebrew is “Yeshua”, which translates to English as Joshua.

Who was the last bit of prophet before Jesus?

In Christianity, before Jesus came, the last bit of prophet in the was John the Baptist (cf.

Who was the first person to preach in the Bible?

Philip the Evangelist
Saint Philip the Evangelist
died October 11 (1st century)
in the Roman Catholic Church Eastern Catholic Church Eastern Orthodox Church Coptic Orthodox Church Armenian Apostolic Church Ethiopia Asian Orthodox ChurchSyrian Orthodox ChurchEastern Orthodox ChurchLutheran Anglican Church


Who are the three prophets?

The books of the major prophets—Isaiah, Jeremiah (with Lamentations and Baruch), Ezekiel, and Daniel—make up this volume of the Navarre Bible.

Who did Jesus talk to first?

9 When he arose early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom he had cast out seven demons. She went away, and told those who were with him, that they They all mourned and wept. 11 When they heard that he was alive, and saw her, they did not believe it.

Which prophet spoke directly to God?

During the prophecies, Musa is said to have performed many miracles and is said to have conversed with God himself, who bestowed on Musa the title [God’s Speaker” (Kalīm Allāh)

Moses in Islam
Prophet Musa
spouse Ṣ affūrah
relative Yūkābid (mother) Asiya (adoptive mother) Miriam (sister) Hārūn (brother)

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